By invisdev March 4, 2024 In devlogs

Devlog 14: New Features, Small Adjustments, and the Rise of the Small Farm

Hello beautiful people! After a 2-week break, I’m super happy to share the newest devlog with you.

The last two weeks have been crazy for me and my missus, having to move houses and set everything up again while working and taking care of a toddler. Oh man, I’m so glad that we’re almost done.

Anyway, during this time, I didn’t just wait empty-handed. Without further ado, let me share what’s new.

Small Adjustments

First of all, I added some more ambient music to ocean areas and plain fields. I also added a subtle sound effect when insight vision is complete. Lastly, I added three new songs. All the current songs can be listened to through the YouTube playlist I made

While play-testing the available features, I realized that the days were too long. It was 2 seconds for every in-game minute before, so I changed that to 2 seconds for every 10 minutes in-game. And I’m really happy with the result. This feature will be customizable by the user, but still, I think 2 seconds for every 10 minutes feels great now.

While dealing with the dates, I also added an indicator for day/night.

Was it reeealllly necessary?

Well, probably not, but it was something that I wanted to add. Thus, I present you the day/night indicator!

I also added a small feature to Inventory panels; their positions were fixed. Now, the player can change their position by dragging them around.

In the previous devlog, the full-screen visual effect of being too cold was not liked by most of you. So I changed it to a better effect.

Small Farm

The small farm will be the first vendor of the 0.1 version. So, I started by creating the hex panel for it and deciding what actions a player can take on a small farm tile.I came up with


“Chat with Owner”



“Buy Farm”


These options (as you could imagine as well) are placeholders at the moment. Only “Trade” I was working on. Anyway, in order to trade, I needed a currency. With this in mind, I had to decide either putting a currency indicator in the inventory or adding the currency as an item. So, I opted for the latter option. I created a Gold item that the user can carry, and also it weighs. So, the player can suffer from success if he carries too much gold with him :D.

I also started to implement the dynamic economy. At the moment, it’s not complete because I will need some other components that I haven’t developed yet. But with the stuff I have at the moment, it was a nice and successful implementation of dynamic economy. How I use it is that I check the item type (Weapon, material, etc.) and their rarity type (common, good, rare, etc.) then according to these 2 parameters, I come up with the price. The price is set in this way for both selling and buying. In the future, of course, I’ll be adding more conditions such as neighbor towns/cities, surrounding tiles, and their resources. I’m planning to set specific crops to different farms so that they will raise those crops, thus they will be cheaper in the shop. ANYWAY, as I said, it’s not complete yet, I only have the basics laid. I’ll continue working on this feature this week.

Loading Screen

Well, as the title suggests, I implemented a loading screen between scenes with a loading bar and a tip for the player.

Social Media

We have a subreddit now! You can find the link below. I wanted to reserve the name in case Reddit is needed when the game has more interactions.

See you next week!